Monday, February 07, 2005


In my quest to find inspiration and get started on an idea for a children's book, I have decided to watch Sesame Street. Any other time I would be concerned about that, but from an artistic standpoint, it is not such a bad urge to have. My protagonist needs to appeal to kids and I think Sesame Street has the recipe for holding kids' attention. I can see my protagonist so clearly in my mind. Now it's just a matter of putting him on paper and letting him go to work. Big Bird here I come!

first entry

I didn't capitalize the title of this entry. I guess that that's okay. I hadn't intended to use this blog as a diary. However, I find it strange that I haven't made any entries since I created it about a month ago now. Perhaps that's not so strange. I'm not the type to speak unless I have something to say and I just haven't had a lot to say. Besides, it's much better to be silent than to say a whole lot of nothing.